Ramble On

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Thaw Coming - Finally

As we were working on collecting gravel from the various places it had been deposited by the plows and putting it back on the driveway, the weather warmed up and we had a beautiful glimpse of spring in the Valley last weekend. After a nice visit from an artist friend (a future post), we did our chores and then set out to do the Hawksbill Greenway loop in Luray.

Here are a couple of the “signs of spring” we saw around the place. These snow drops appeared out of nowhere on Saturday and by Sunday the pearly flowers were already showing. Then (in the photo above) the snow down in the hollow next to the stream is finally melting away – the melt water from here and upstream generating burbling noises that can be heard up on the brick terrace.

Finally, there is the pile of snow in the backyard, which accumulated from the December and January snows when we cleared the roof after those storms. Now the sun is shining on a good portion of the snow bank during the heat of the day – maybe this could be gone by mid-month. That would be nice.

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