Ramble On

Friday, March 5, 2010

Clarendon Construction March 2010

We'll start the March Clarendon Construction post with this little surprise.  As I went to my usual spot for the phone cam update, I looked down and saw this big hole.  Now, they've been digging up the street alongside my building, really messing up traffic, and finally they reached out across the street and intersection, where they are putting in a manhole for something.  I'm not sure what this conduit is for yet.

Next there is the big building across the street - actually, as I've mentioned before, this is two buildings.  The brick work is going up pretty fast now, and the fenestration is completed on some of the lower floors.  Probably by the summer it will be hard to see any progress on this one.

Here's the mid-block building.  A few weeks back, during the snow, it looked like they had stopped upward progress.  Looks like they will actually have a floor of penthouse space, maybe two floors of it.  They do this in dense urban areas sometimes to allow just a little more sun down to the street level.

I also find the little wooden structure they put up over the equipment on the next door building - where the Hard Times is - pretty interesting.  That should keep construction debris from knocking out the HVAC there and what not.

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