Ramble On

Friday, July 9, 2010

Parting Shot

With last weekend being the first we could use the pool, as we did our put-away tasks on Sunday evening I found my eyes wandering back to the hole in the ground we poor money into.  It looks fabulous and I can't hardly take my eyes off of it.

But the outside lifestyle that we'll be enjoying now that the summer is in full swing means we have a lot of accessories out on the brick terrace and down by the pool.  Mainly they are stowable camp chairs and floaty things, but also there's the grill, and if the temps happen to get into the 60's at night I might bring out the firepit.

On Saturday mornings the weekend begins with a big pool cleanup, I've written about it before.  We run Dude, the 'bot, take the pool brush around the sides and bottom, clean the traps, put in any additional needed chemicals, etc.

On the back side, Sunday nights, we also close out by running the 'bot, and repeating those cleaning steps.  Generally it means the pool is ready to enjoy just about anytime with only a few minutes of prep.

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