Ramble On

Sunday, June 14, 2009

San Antonio Wrap Up

A number of old Air Force friends remain big fans - or even residents - of San Antonio. I had a good time during my visit last week, and overall I would rate it a successful business trip. It's always the case that you wish you had more time to check in with folks, go to the places that they know...I had some really good recommendations in this respect, but no vehicle and no time.

Here are a final few photos...the "Pay-Less Liquors" - advertised in the slick hotel room book, the Hemisfare Tower (a landmark any Air Force vet will recall from his "town pass" day), a pre-Columbian artifact (this thing was bigger than me!), The Alamo (above) and a memorial that was near there. I have a few more photos that aren't suitable for publishing - they just don't meet my phone cam quality requirements, or they are too trade show specific...what happened there must stay there, in other words.
One photo I regret I wasn't able to publish. In front of the convention center, the town has laid a colorful map of the US into the sidewalk. It's made of different colors of granite and marble, and is very impressive.
One of my colleagues is from Texas, and he pointed out the map to me as we were going back to the show after lunch. "Look," he said, "here's the map of Texas and the other states!" I guess that explains somethings about Texans.

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