Ramble On

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Alexandria Kitchen Week 4

We’ll start the post today with a quick note about posts next week. Since we are going to be out at Hawksbill Cabin (and it looks like we are going to have quite a big snow), the posts will be scarce, so I will probably break the kitchen update for week 5 into a couple of posts.

Starting here with the “compass points” series, you can see the wall where there used to be a base cabinet and wall cabinet. Here are paint samples – the drywall work is done and it’s time to paint before the new installations begin. Actually though, I should mention that the refrigerator is moving over to this location…also, we’ve chosen a green paint, similar to the one here but a lighter tint.

Then we have the wall where the sink will be. We’ve worked out lighting schedules now and there will be two little lights above the sink, as opposed to a single can light like we had before or a pendant.

Next the new “long” wall, where we replaced the original entryway into the kitchen, moving it a few feet over into the old fridge space to improve circulation…and then the fourth compass point, the wall with the doorway to the basement.

The pantry is next. It is still waiting for its turn in the spotlight, and is mostly used for storage right now. It will have a pantry cabinet and work space when all is said and done.

Finally, the sun room – as you can see, there is too much going on in there for me to take the usual two photos. But they’ve begun framing out the new door here – we are changing the old door out for a double wide, sliding glass door. This will give us more window light back there. It’s already a cheerful space despite the northwest exposure, so the door should add to that.

This coming week is going to be one with a lot of progress. They will paint, put down the new floor, and begin installing cabinets, so the place will look very different in next week’s update. In fact, yesterday, they put down about a third of the new floor in the kitchen.  So it looks as thought so much will have been done (he says optimistically) I think I will go ahead and plan on the next kitchen update post being a two-parter.

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