Ramble On

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day - some late arriving texts

From Greg, my former roommate in Berlin:

“…but I loved hearing the phrase ‘former President Bush’… it started bad, it framed his presidency...a farce from day one.”

I don't want to hear anymore [bs] about red states and blue states and Jesus and SCARY [homosexuals] and any of that other divisive Rovian [stuff]!!

James Joyce wrote a brilliant line in "Ulysses," “history is a nightmare from which i am trying to awaken." …time to wake up.

...and from Yiming, another USAF friend:

"As far as the inauguration goes, I have great hope for the coming years and am extremely impressed with the transition so far. I am mindful that 48 million Americans do not support what he stands for, though I'm sure he will win some of them over. He's a calm cucumber, that's for sure too. I was kind of p'o'ed at Roberts for flubbing a simple 30 some word oath.

As far as the other stuff, I liked Michelle's Toledo outfit, very courageous statement, her own fashion sense and proud of it. I actually liked the grand dame Aretha Franklin's hat, very dapper, early 20th century feel. I was wondering why GHW Bush was limping with a cane - will have to research it a little. I was struck by how the VP wives were all in such good shape physically, Carter is shrinking because of his age. The president and VP men all are aging much quicker than their wives.

And one comment on the crowd. Obviously very few of those folks had ever been to a big event on the mall. The fact that they had to stand in line just to get into the museums and other buildings to get/stay warm after the ceremony was a bummer I would not have subjected myself to without adequate preparation.

And lastly, I'm not sure partying is something I would be doing. Commemorating the occasion and then rolling up the sleeves and getting to work is the only way to go. We've been partying with wall street excesses for too many years now. All that wealth and prosperity during the Bush administration, well, it was not real wealth and prosperity. Some ugly truths need to laid bare for those who think we can return to that. And that's not a job I want."

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