Ramble On

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some Fibrowatt Anwers, Part 2

Pulling out another comment from Terry at Fibrowatt as a stand alone post.  This one refers to some questions reader Jay posted a few days ago:

To permit and construct a modern biomass power plant, it requires a very extensive permitting process that will look at potential emissions under worst-case conditions and demonstrate that even under these conditions the plant will meet very stringent environmental requirements. These plants require very extensive emission control systems that are far more protective of air quality than older existing coal plants. Furthermore, one of the important considerations with a plant in the Shenandoah Valley is the consideration that must be given to protecting visibility in this area. As part of the permuting process, a plant of this size located in the Valley would have to demonstrate that it would not adversely effect visibility in nearby "Class 1 Federal Areas" such as the Shenandoah National Park.

You are right to value the resources of the Shenandoah Valley as would we. One of the reasons a Fibrowatt project would make sense in this area is the important benefits it can offer to protecting local water resources, providing an important new source of renewable energy that could displace existing coal-fired power plants, and can support poultry growers efforts to be good environmental stewards.

Terry Walmsley - Fibrowatt LLC


Anonymous said...

I have several questions.

1. What are Fibrowatt's 'important benefits it can offer to protecting local water resources?'

2. What are Fibrowatt's long range economic forecasts concerning poultry litter / other biomass availability (and hence those industries,) as well as projected future energy consumption v. capacity (nationwide, and for the range of this specific project?)

3. I would like to understand these projections in conjunction with projected residential and commercial real estate foreclosures and occupancy rates over the next several years.

4. Who would use this power from this plant and how does this delivery square, economically, with currently available power sources from a capacity perspective?

5. Finally, Sam made an excellent point in a letter to Representative Obenshain yesterday, and that is that Rockingham County seems to have the required infrastructure for litter transportation already in place in terms of highways and interstate access. Has that county - or more specifically, have any other locations other than the Hudson property in Page County, VA been considered?

6. I will have several questions concerning emissions and air quality after going through the masses of material being provided here on this site, on others, as well as via email. But I truly wonder whether anything anyone has to say concerning deals Page County wants to cut, will make a difference given how the Hudson property was rammed down our throats- and our pockets raped to pay for it - a venture capital deal.

Kind regards,

Unknown said...

Sue, I mentioned the interview I had with Benson city officials yesterday. Some of these questions were addressed there. I am still consolidating those notes for a future post. Best, Jim