Ramble On

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Love Apple - part 2

Well, apparently, my post yesterday about the origin of the tomato is the subject of scholarly dispute over on Facebook, where a colleague is referencing Wikipedia to state that tomatoes (and potatoes) are of new world origin.  Before that topic takes over the entire social media universe, let's move on...

David and Heather had some tomato fun facts at their market booth the other day.  I'll let you read 'em for yourselves in the photo to the left.

Now we also picked up a great variety of local food last weekend - shown here "in the round:"  in the bowl, there are peppers, a sprite melon, eggplants, tomatoes and a peach.  The peach was one of several that came from the Alexandria market, along with the eggplants.

Outside the bowl, from left to right, there is a rosemary bread, cucumbers, a pepper jack cheese that came from the east side of the blue ridge (don't remember the town), and some local pork chops (bone in).

In light of the egg recall, we've been trying to go local on those for the near term, but everybody sells out early.  So we've resorted to cage free varieties at Whole Foods.  'Spensive, but safe.

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