Ramble On

Monday, May 11, 2009

The tell-tale, dime-sized hole

Over the weekend, I heard from Chris, safely back from his encounter with the Bison in Utah. He told me he had noticed some sawdust out on the deck - a sign that carpenter bees might be present.

His deck is unfinished, and was built three or four years ago. The wood is beginning to age, and it is not PT, so it is an attractive location for the bees. He probed around, and sure enough, found the burrow in this picture.

With only one successful burrow, seemed like the remedy I learned about last week might be the best way to deal with it - it's actually in yesterday's post:

"If management of the carpenter bees is necessary you can use a garden dust like five percent carbaryl dust and using a duster, puff the Sevin into the hole so the bees will pick it up on their trips in and out of the hole. After several days you can close the hole with wood putty. Then you should paint the wood to avoid the problem in the future."

I still like the carpenter bee chamber, but for limited issues like this one, a smaller scale solution seems best.

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