Ramble On

Monday, August 12, 2013

Les Nouveaux Porcine Ont Arrivé

The title of today's post, a la français, is "the new swine have arrived."  On Thursday afternoon, I received a note via Facebook that David was on the way to pick up this year's bunch of pigs, and that they would be arriving at the farm in time for the Page County Grown tour on Saturday.

So we could see them and check them out.  I told Mary, who reacted with a squeamish, "oh no, no, no, no - I don't want to see them."  It's all about the fact that the food has a face, I guess.

Now, this is a joyous time on the farm.  The new arrivals are getting to know their whereabouts and the routines.  There's a lot of exploration to be done, and they'll get to know the goats and chickens that are going to share the barnyard.

I have a video here about the first few days with the pigs, just after the 2011 batch arrived:

This reminds me - I guess I need to check the freezer.

L'aventure commence!

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