Ramble On

Monday, May 24, 2010

Container Gardens Update

We’ve got some squash blossoms on the plants in Alexandria – honestly, I can’t remember whether the yellow squash is on the left or right, and zucchini will be the other choice. One of Mary’s tomatoes (she put three varieties out this year) has fruit showing, while the others are blossoming. And there is at least one pepper blossom showing.

The squash plants came from Whole Foods and were advertised as organic, so they are pretty much on their own there in their little planter.  I did see some beetles and other bugs there in the plants so I have to go on line to identify them - unless a reader can help me.  The little guys were less than 1/4 inch long, and were striped lengthwise with yellow and brown.

For the simplified garden out in the country, the seeds have germinated – the yellow and green squash there is also robust. I probably should have thinned the squash plants this weekend, but will take care of that next week. The eggplant and cukes have just barely broken the surface of the soil – I thought I might wait and do my thinning all at once.

Looks like some stray grass seed has gotten into my little plot, so while I had hoped that weeding would be minimized, that's not going to be the case. 

We may only be thirty days or less from our first home grown summer vegetables, which will be from the Alexandria plants. We are still 60 plus days from harvest at the country garden.  However, with the Farmers’ market already up and running, we’re looking forward to picking up some nice vegetables out there soon.


Unknown said...

I tried having a mini container garden with tomatoes and beans last year. Beans worked out well but I didn't have enough sun for the tomatoes to ever show up. Good luck with yours!

Unknown said...

Hey Evan!

I have really been enjoying your posts about the Morgansers at Huntley Meadows, too!

We have had good luck with the tomatoes in Alexandria, and the peppers were okay last year. This is a big leap for us going to the others - we'll see how it goes.

Beans, eh? Maybe next year!