Ramble On

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Flowers 2009

Even with the heat this last week - temps have been as high as the 90's - the spring flower show is on at the cabin. Here are a few photos of some of my favorites.

First, the lilac bush near the garage. Last year I mistakenly cut this back hard in the spring, so it is still making a comeback. At least we have some fragrant sprigs this year. This plant is also a vigorous volunteer producer, so we have some transplantable sprouts if anyone is interested.
Second, these little blue bells. I don't think they are actually Virginia Blue Bells, which I would like to start on the property, just some little bulb flowers that come after the tulips and daffodils, and before the irises.
Speaking of irises, they are already blooming in Alexandria, and a number of them are ready to pop out at the cabin.

Finally, the star of the show - the azaeleas. Of course, the carpenter bees like these a lot, as they flower coincidentally with the arrival of the bees. But they are really beautiful. I hope the sun doesn't finish the flowers off too early, Mary hasn't seen them yet.

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