Ramble On

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Name our robot!

Take a moment to vote in the poll to name our pool robot - the poll is over there ---> in the right column! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Won't let me participate and I'm to lazy to create a user name. So, my vote is for Dude. Sean's is too!

Unknown said...

That's probably an AOL problem.

Brian McGowan said...


You said "You can vote for multiple entries..." actually it will only let you vote once per sign-on. It will let you "change" your vote though. I'm sticking with "Dude" ~ "Donnie" was a bit of a whanker, wasn't he?!

Don't know if it will allow me to post a video link here or not, but I'm gonna try, anyways.

Ignore the video, the music is good though. A couple of Celtic Warriors, nu?


Brian McGowan

Unknown said...


Brian McGowan said...

Van is THE Man...

And if you've got a problem with Tom Jones, take it up with your mom!

Unknown said...

The link to the song killed me yesterday. The relationship and fan-hood with Tom Jones is complex and ironical. I was overwhelmed with confusion as I listened to the music on that link.

So perplexed, all I could come up with in response was WTF.

Anonymous said...

I don't like any of these names, and in true tradition of the great state of Florida, demand a recount.