Ramble On

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A February Visit to Wisteria

A few days ago I noticed we were out of Wisteria's Norton red wine, so I made a plan to stop by and pick some up.  That's a visit I always look forward to - our local vineyard always has something interesting going on, and this day was no exception!

I've forgotten to upload the photo I took of the sheep in the little pasture (as usual, they were gathered around the hay).  But that pastoral scene wasn't the big news of the day in any case.

The folks there have been doing a lot of winter prep - one of the photos here shows the compost operation there.  Moussa and Sue have taken a sustainable approach to the operation, and this is an important element of that strategy.  So besides the excellent product, the wonderful environment, the fact that they are local (and Page County Grown) - well, what's not to like?

So I hinted at some news.  Turns out, they are going to add some land to the cultivation - this time the parcel that is along Marksville Road.  That's good for us, since we can enjoy watching the grapes grow on our way into Hawksbill Cabin.  But it's especially great news for them - an expansion of production is a wonderful development.  There's a photo below of the work in progress.

I had made a point of getting there early so I could be out of the way for the afternoon's tastings.  After my quick visit, I picked up the bottles of Norton I was after and hit the road.  Just as I got to my car, the next wave of connoisseurs were arriving to enjoy the place. 

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