Ramble On

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Jet lag being what it is - I find myself waking up at 2:30 am here, I think that is about 12:30 pm on the east coast of the US - I have embraced the thought of buying something out of the vending machines that I see everywhere. 

Here in the hotel, there is a machine that has all sorts of beverages.  Well, let's correct that - it doesn't have any American softdrinks.  You've got a couple of photos of this device here, one showing the full range of the selections, and the second, zooming in on the item of interest.

Now, the demitasse coffee that I chose (I welcome the change to unload some of these 10 Yen coins) came out refridgerated and in a little can that was about the size of tomato juice back stateside.  But it tasted like expresso that you might have served in Miami - a strong blend flavored with sweetened condensed milk.  That took me back a ways...but I couldn't do the thing cold, and had to microwave it.

I also wanted to put up this photo of a brand that was for sale near the train station - Suntory Boss Coffee.  I think it is served the same way.  The hoot about this one is the spokesperson:  Tommy Lee Jones.  My Japanese friends tell me that he is more famous for these commercials here than he is for any of the movie roles.

Here are links to a couple of the commercials, and if you are interested it looks like there are as many as nine (read the commentary below the videos for a hint of what is going on):




I may go back down there and try one out if I don't get over the jet lag soon.

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