Ramble On

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Flowers Report

With the daffodil drift (here with a glimpse of the pool deck in the background) and asters (near the garden path) all coming up in the last few days, we can finally be assured that the winter is behind us.  That means a lot of activities in the days ahead - spring cleaning sorts of things, maybe some painting touch ups, some gardening, maybe revving up the battle of the species to do something about the carpenter bees and wasps...

Mary has wanted to move the forsythias from their spot down in the front yard to a new, sunnier location.  We'd selected a spot closer to the top of the little hill up front to move them to - the old spot seemed sunny enough, but we'd overlooked all the shelter and shade in that spot from the oaks.  See, when we first planted the forsythia, the oaks hadn't leafed out.

So Mary and my sister moved the shrubs on Sunday morning.  We take inspiration from this breath taking planting in our neighbor's yard...and hope that the plants will prosper in this new location, eventually camoflaging the pool equipment.

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