Ramble On

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Page County EDA 2009 Updated Strategic Plan

Today, I’m beginning a review of the 2009 update to the Page County Economic Development Authority’s 2008 Strategic Plan. Past posts in this series have looked at the 2004 plan, and the 2008 plan – the past posts can be found by clicking the EDA label to the right or at the end of this post. The 2009 update begins with a preface, mentioning progress against goals and objectives that were included in the 2008 plan, as well as mentioning the reduction of a full-time position at the County that also supported EDA, which was offset by citizen volunteers, increased involvement from existing members, and collaboration with other organizations such as the Chamber and the Shenandoah Valley Partnership.

As I read this – it’s hardly a plan, it is more a report card on the previous goals and objectives. It’s set up in tables, with the objectives listed in the first column, lead and support roles in the next two, and finally a status shown in the fourth column. There are 24 “priority A” objectives and 11 each of “priority B” and “priority C” objectives.

Most of the objectives are shown with an “in progress” status, although there are four priority a goals shown as “not started yet” –

  • A.7. Develop land use plans targeted to areas around the towns taking into consideration existing infrastructure and future infrastructure planning.
  • A.9. Develop a “fast tracking” process at the County to secure permits. Pursue in conjunction with the Planning Commission and Zoning/Planning Departments appropriate zoning subdivision plans for industrial parks, business parks, technology parks, etc.
  • A.16. Build a portfolio about the County and present it to financial institutions in order to promote and support funding of businesses within Page County.
  • A.18. Establish an annual round table discussion between stakeholders…to promote better planning and coordination of business-related training and education in the County.
There are four priority b objectives that have not been started or were deemed not possible, and seven priority c objectives with this status:

  • B.1. Promote a unified relationship with the towns…
  • B.2. (Not possible due to staff reduction) Have a rep from the Economic Development Department join the Tourism Council.
  • B.6. Department of Economic Development will develop a list of targeted industries and communicate that information to the Technical Training Center and LFCC in order to provide direction regarding skills that will be needed.
  • B.7. Encourage school district to have conversations with students in middle school and high school…
  • C.2. Request tourism funding support from the towns.
  • C.4. Explore the possibility of involving citizen volunteers to assist the Department of Economic Development.
  • C.5. Research how graduation rates compare to other counties and explore what needs to be done to bring Page County to a competitive level.
  • C.6. Educating the County and towns on the importance of including access to utilities with their requirements for development.
  • C.7. Engage the Board of Supervisors on roadway transportation issues and obtain direction to move forward.
  • C.10. Investigate overlay on roadways to prevent future building within widening areas.
  • C.11. Assist in establishing new group (could be an EDA subcommittee)…key issues this group must address are zoning, land use planning, utilities and transportation.
Tomorrow I will take a deeper look at the priority a goals, assessing their progress against the understanding we’d come away with after the previous reviews of the 2008 and 2004 plans. 

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