Ramble On

Monday, March 2, 2009

"In like a lion," so they say

On Sunday morning we were greated by a light dusting of snow -heavy late winter snow that melts off quickly. So I got outside early to take some fleeting phone cam shots of the cabin with snow on the ground. Here are the photos - indiscriminately uploaded.
Also, I took a little drive down Ida Road - Ida is one of the communities settled by folks displaced when the Shenandoah National Park was formed, and they were resettled in the Valley. This is Grace Church, just a bit off the road there, but a charming little place you can just see through the trees when you drive by - I always thought it might be pretty in the snow.

Finally, as I came back from that drive, a few more random shots of the cabin:

Approaching on the path from the drive (these azaeleas will be beautiful in two months!); a look at the pool (Daris says, "not long now!"); a view of the pine trees and the road (they are just pretty); and a view looking across the brick terrace (that's the fire pit near the front door).
Of course we are getting pounded this morning in Alexandria, 3 inches and counting!

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