Ramble On

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Been a while...

After nearly a month, we were finally able to make a trip out to the cabin last weekend, February 2 and 3. I started a new job and had to wrap up a Linden Street project - these were the reasons we were unable to visit for nearly a month.

We went out on Saturday - after seeing Greg, my roommate from Berlin, off to the airport. From what I remember, we had an excellent reunion visit with some of our other colleagues from those days: Doug, Jamey and Stan. Cheers to you, buds.

During our absence, we'd had a fellow out to finish leaf raking and do some other yard work. There was a large felled tree out in the back that had left lots of debris on the roof of the garage, and for some reason it had been a good idea, according to the previous owners, to store 17 old tires under the pool area. These were all removed, while the leaves were raked into the woods down at the bottom of the hill in front of the house.

Two photos here, above, from the leaves looking back up at the house. I don't think I have posted this view before - shows the brick wall supporting the pool foundation and the deck area. Second one here is the vast pile of leaves that covers the floor of the woods around the little stream.

Next trip will be the 16-17th of February. We're looking into a winter hike that weekend.

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