Ramble On

Monday, October 8, 2007

Columbus Day Weekend - Overnight

With the new roof on, we decided to make our trip this weekend an overnighter. While we still haven't moved furniture in, we have sleeping bags and matress pads that we use for this purpose. It was great to finally be able to use the cabin this way.

On Sunday, between a trip to WalMart and the Farmers' Coop, we visited the Page County Heritage Fair - more to come on this, and had lunch at the Hawksbill Diner - photo below.

I've mentioned the Hawksbill Diner before - obvisously takes its name from the mountain that overlooks this part of the valley, and the creek that starts somewhere up in the SNP. It is right there on Bus 340 South where we make our turn into the neighborhood. Their claim to fame, at least one of them, as far as I am concerned, is the $1.85 cheeseburger. They've got all kinds of pies, and Mary and I once had steak dinners there for less than $30, including tip!

During our visit yesterday, we ran into our realtor, Julia, who was having lunch with her family. Julia's web site is: http://www.joebowmanre.com/

Also, I have a load of photos from the Heritage Photo - have to go through them before posting. Here is one of the antique cars that were on display, I think a '31 Ford. In the interest of equal time, there was a Chevy from the 30's also, but my photo didn't come out.

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