Ramble On

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This Budget Thing...no Really I Want to Talk about Doner Kebabs

I was all prepared to make a rant this morning about the budget and looming threat of a government shutdown.  I realized that I would quickly become an incoherent partisan on this topic...just as so many have already.  Who needs another of those posts?  Resolve the budget impass without damaging the tenuous recovery already!

So what I really want to talk about is this review of a favorite in the Washington Post -  the Doner Bistro in Leesburg:


My friends from Berlin and I all have fond memories of doners - it's a very popular street food there and you can find a stand near any subway station.  And you can get one at just about any time of day.

Savory grilled meat, a little salad, some tzatziki, all on a special bread...it was a favorite.  Sometimes we would tell the dining hall to not bother to cook - we'd send somebody out to pick up doners for everybody.

I introduced Mary to them at the Potsdam train station in 2001.  She liked them too.  I wish I could have one more often...and now we have the Doner Bistro in Leesburg.

It's still a hike, but it is worth it.  We met Timo a few year's ago at our friend Chris's house.  At the time, the doner stand was still operating from a truck...in 2008 he relocated to the present restaurant...and added other Berliner favorites such as Curry Wurst to the menu. Now the article says he might be opening in Clarendon soon - near the office!

I'm looking forward to taking a seat in the bier garten there soon, in fact, and pairing the meal with a nice Warsteiner, vom fass!

(images from Wikipedia)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gathered there last summer with a gaggle of Berliners. Awesome food!