Pretty soon a carnival on the edge of town...
King Harvest has surely come.
- Robbie Robertson *
With a couple of planned days off to run some errands at Hawksbill Cabin, one thing in particular I was looking forward to was checking in at Public House Produce. Work-wise this was a challenging summer for farmers market trips on Saturday morning and I think I missed whole harvests of some of the vegetables - my grilling skills have probably fallen off as well. In any case, I let David know I'd be out for a few days and we made a plan for me to accompany him on a drive to the Shenandoah Valley Produce Auction.
This gave us about 50 minutes each way to shoot the breeze, plus there was free pie at the auction, and he had a few errands himself to run, so we were on the road for four hours. I've got some blog posts coming on those stops, but today wanted to put up some photos of the grand harvest of pumpkins, winter squash, and gourds that he'd put up under the pole barn and other structures around the farm. Darrel was there too - he's also part of Page County Grown - dropping off a few bushels of sweet potatoes.
It's definitely harvest season, and was pretty wonderful to see everything gathered into one place like that.
Although I didn't get to walk around over there much, the new ground is coming along. Much of it is cleared, the soil has been tested - now that the contours are revealed you can see why this has been a good hunting ground over the years. I can't wait to see what is next with that patch.
After a short visit to check things out, we were underway for the drive down to Dayton for the auction. I'll pick it up there tomorrow.
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